Monday, December 2, 2013

God's Investment Plan

107,602,707,791 people are estimated to have lived on earth since 50,000 BC. Each one has played a role in the history of man and the evolution of our knowledge and understanding of everything.  Each person wants to understand their purpose in the big picture of God's plan, but none are able to do it with total confidence.

To improve our ability to grasp the magnitude of the problem, a comparison with the human body can be made.  We have learned that our cells all have unique purposes and, based on their type and location in the systems of the body, each have a very important contribution to make.  As with people, cells live different lengths of time.  There are about 200 different types of cells in our bodies, but there are 100,000,000,000,000 eukaryotic [living, individual, reproducing] cells in the body.  That number exceeds many times the total number of humans that have ever lived.  Realize that the body as a whole lives many times longer than most of the individual cells that define it.  In this mental model we must imagine ourselves as individual cells in the body of humanity.  The mystery of life then becomes analogous to the pondering of any single cell on the impact that it has on the overall mission of the body in which it lives. Imagine answering the question asked by a single mucous cell as to how it is going to contribute to any achievements that the body itself will realize. 

As with the mucous cell it is not possible for any one of us to understand the mission of the body that we compose.  The body of humanity, as far as we know, has lived for over 52,000 years, but we as individuals are privileged to have contributed a mere single human lifetime to God's plan.  The Bible is a history record looking back without revealing the future plan in detail.

Not knowing the big picture creates a problem.  It means that we must have an action directive in order to honor our best potential.  God provided this directive in the best instruction possible through the demonstration of His nature through the life of Jesus Christ.  Jesus showed us how to act and as importantly, how to LISTEN!

Jesus said on the cross, "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do."  It is obvious that we do not have the capacity to understand but we are forgiven!  We must LISTEN to that smallest voice in our minds for the guidance that we need to choose well at each moment of our lives,  If we do that, we will make the correct choices and not be a wasted resource in God's investment plan.