Monday, September 20, 2010

Nature of Infinity

As you read the following think about this question:  "If this idea of the Nature of Infinity is true, how would you explain it to a people who had no scientific understanding of anything?  How would you impart the concept of the quantum nature of reality to a people who only have knowledge of themselves and the small part of the world to which they had access?"

The Bible is the story of God revealing Himself to us, but at the level that we can understand at the time.

The Old Testament tells about The Supreme Being.  (first words: "In the beginning God....." (KJV)
The New Testament demonstrates supreme being.   (last words: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (KJV)

Are we ready to understand in a way that ties everything together?  

System of Simultaneity (Quantum View - in which time does not exist)

Infinity is a timeless domain that can be defined as a "System of Simultaneity." In this system time does not exist and all things are expressible as possibilities. All possible events are linked and can not exist without impact on every other possibility. In the timeless domain of infinity all possible events exists simultaneously.

System of Sequence (Our View - Our Time-Line in which Cause and Effect exist)

We exist in the "System of Sequence." We all, in our moment of now, are the expression of one event possibility. Based on the rules of cause and effect our every decision or response branches us into another possibility in the list of possible events available. In a system of sequence the order of events and decisions made to enable events are knowable and recorded as history supporting the notion of time.

So what does it mean? 

The Universe is the manifestation of the interplay of these two systems played from the perspective of us, stuck in the System of Sequence.

God is the verb To Be, The I Am, the sum of ALL in the System of Simultaneity.
We are made in the image of God because we represent one event solution from the System of Simultaneity.

Realize that everything that has happened since the beginning of time is in our System of Sequence and brings me to write this and you to read it; ONE possibility, one event.  This is your moment of NOW.  Everything that exists and has happened until now no matter where in the universe(s) is a part of this event.  How this moment impacts you will in part determine what you do next.  Every Moment of Now has the same power, action becomes history and history becomes us.


In this logic it can be said that the System of Sequence is a manifestation of the System of Simultaneity and not created by it.  In essence, God has made the possibilities and we make the decisions.

As we live our lives and eventually die we must take comfort in knowing that whatever happens, God’s plan has already succeeded.  Our contributions may not be obvious as we live our lives, but be assured that our contributions do matter. 

We must remember that Gods patience is unlimited.  In essence there are contingencies and resources in His plan to mitigate any risk that our decisions may create.  When time is unlimited all things are possible.  God already has results as He exists in the infinite. 

As we live our lives all action possibilities are known before we choose; however, the evaluation of our actual choices is knowable in the context of the quantum plan as soon as we make them.  There are no choices that we can make that will cause God’s plan to be ineffective, but there are choices that we can make that are wrong. We can and do impact each other.

At the end of our individual lives our evaluation will be based on the choices we made.  Did we appreciate the Grace and Love of God the Father, did we follow the example of God the Son, Jesus Christ and did we follow the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit

Someone once said: “Did you love?”

As I say in the header of this Blog:
“The space between yesterday and tomorrow, the only lever that we have!” 

As I live my day to day life the question can only be: "What am I going to do now?"  I must remember that even inaction is a decision.

By: David Connor Mims Sr. (Original written 19 September 2010 - revised 4 March 2013)

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