Monday, October 15, 2012

Managing the Project of Life

In the business of Project Management as an engineering science the challenge is to obtain a defined result by a specific point in time and for a predetermined budget of resources.  In the methodologies that aid in managing projects there are many techniques aimed at identifying risks, deciding which risks are most likely and their impact.  Then discovering and putting in place mitigations that improve the probability of the project being successful.

Project risks are always problematic because of constrained time and resources. 

Imagine how we could operate if there were no limits in time or resources.  What if the project objective was defined by an infinite set of resources and outcomes? 

In God’s infinity we have such a paradigm.  In quantum world all things are possible and all things exist.  The fact that I am sitting here writing this is one of those possibilities and the fact that you are reading it is yet another.  I have no way to know either who will eventually read this or what impact it will have.

Humans like me, and I suspect you, experience a limit to being able to fully understand God's plan.  In the history of His revelation of Himself to us we find expansive amounts of time and generations of people who lived to create conditions needed for His lessons to be taught to humanity.

The concept of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) stands at the center of all lessons taught to date.  The “Father” represents the Love and Grace of God, the “Son” was the demonstrator and Teacher of how we are to behave in life, and God the “Holy Spirit” is the infinite nature of God that spans all time and creation.  All three are with us as we live our lives.

It is our impatience that makes the lessons taught to date ineffective.  We want our lives to matter, We want instant gratification, we want our Church to be successful, and we want to see our understanding of the plan completed in our lifetime.

As we live our lives and eventually die we must take comfort in knowing that whatever happens, God’s plan has already succeeded.  Our contributions may not be obvious as we live our lives but be assured that our contributions do matter. 

We must remember that Gods patience is unlimited.  In essence there are contingencies and resources in His plan to mitigate any risk that our decisions may create.  When time is unlimited all things are possible.  God already has results as He exists in the infinite. 

As we live our lives all action possibilities are known before we choose; however, the evaluation of our actual choices is knowable in the context of the quantum plan as soon as we make them.  There are no choices that we can make that will cause God’s plan to be ineffective; but, there are choices that we can make that are considered wrong. We can and do impact each other.

At the end of our individual lives our evaluation will be based on the choices we made.  Did we appreciate the Grace and Love of God the Father, did we follow the example of God the Son, Jesus Christ and did we follow the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit? 

Someone once said, “Did you love?”

As I say in the header of this Blog:
“The space between yesterday and tomorrow, the only lever that we have!” 

As I live my day to day life the question can only be, what am I going to do now?  I must remember that even inaction is a decision.

After all, I am a Project Manager and must do something!  

By: David Connor Mims Sr.

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