Monday, December 15, 2014

Has Mankind Lost the Magic of Oral Traditions?

So much of the essence of human life was initially handed down through the generations by way of oral traditions.  It is a fact that many stories in The Bible, as well as other knowledge, were not written down for generations.  The invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press is heralded as a major positive event in the evolution of knowledge management and I agree; but, there may have been a negative impact as well.  Is it possible that the printed word triggered the death of Oral Traditions?  The magic of the oral tradition is that the stories spoke to the moment and situation at hand.  Books may in fact act to separated us from that important point!

Look at what happens when a story is finally written down. First, the writer has to decide what the story means.  They then have to decide on how they are going to say what it means.  The filtering that takes place at this point of the process acts much like an optical lens.  The story is interpreted to focus on a particular meaning.  Once written, each eventual reader must do a reverse process to extract meaning from the written word with the risk that the original range of possible meaning be lost   Just look at the amount of time and effort that has been expended just discussing, arguing and translating the written documents discovered and preserved over the years.  E.g. At the extreme wars have been fought over what the Bible means to say.

When we apply oral traditions directly the ideas and lessons in a particular story event come to the surface as the stories are told.  Even in cultures where formal language skills are almost nonexistent, deep and complex meanings survive. 

Story telling is an art that is difficult to explain.  The most effective communicators and teachers are masters of this art; Jesus was a master of it.  Just study the parables that he used.  Use caution, they have been written down.

In summary we must never lose sight of the fact that knowledge cannot live in a book and many times it is not expressible.  Until it is understood by a human mind and usable it is not knowledge.  As you develop your communication and teaching skills remember that the best communications are done on the fly.  Learn to understand the other.  Learn how to help the other understand you.  Remember that the truth is not found until you find it together.

Monday, September 29, 2014

3-D Printing: A peep through the Key-Hole at a Perfect Supply Chain

As the technology of 3-D printing progresses the number of ideas on how to use these new devices grows exponentially.  Just recently we saw a 3-D printer delivered to the International Space Station.  Yes, the idea of printing tools on demand in space will soon be a reality.  Supply Chain design impact will take the form of a shift to forecasting need driving creation of 3-D print item files vs actual inventories of Stock Keeping Units in the right place at the right time.

The idea of material items being realized at the time of need has been an idea only realized in Science Fiction since the replicator in the Star Ship Enterprise.  Remember the food replicators and Captain Pilchards Earl Gray Tea?  

Today we are seeing the emergence of 3-D Printer technology and where it stops, no one can say.  In this new reality as long as there are materials and compatibility between the technology and the materials needed, the only remaining element required is the program file, or one could say, “The idea.”

I see a metaphorical resemblance between 3-D Printers and the Cosmos.  Everything that we can see and touch in the Cosmos is the product of a similar set of circumstances.  The difference is, the Cosmos has no time limitation.  The Cosmos’ 3-D Printer can take all the time it needs.  In this mental model of the Cosmos the ideas already exist in the form of possibilities that simply wait for the materials and compatibility conditions to become present.  The old adage “If it can happen, it will” applies. We just need to add, “as soon as it can.”

In our lifetime we only see a glimpse of the magnificent process that is literally taking place before our eyes.  For example, we can only imagine the collision that will take place between Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxies.  We will not see it happen.

Nature shows us many examples of this time frame limitation phenomenon.  E.g. Dragonflies only live a few hours but, play a part in the big picture.  We live longer but are here through the same process and also have a time frame limited impact.

In summary, I see us all as being a part of a Perfect Supply Chain.  We can ask the question, are we an idea, a material or a finished product?  The answer is not important.  What is important is the fact that we are one of God’s possibilities and I am sure that he will use us in his plan, “as soon as He can!”

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Infinity of Nature

As you read the following, think about this question:  

"If this idea of the Nature of Infinity is true, how would you explain it to a people who had no scientific understanding of anything?  How would you impart the concept of the quantum nature of reality to a people who only have knowledge of themselves and the small part of the world to which they had access?"

The Bible is sometimes described as the story of God revealing Himself to man.  To have been effective from the time it was created it had to be written at the level of knowledge and terminology that the people of the time could understand.

The Old Testament reveals The Supreme Being.  (first words: "In the beginning God....." (KJV)
The New Testament demonstrates supreme being.   (last words: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (KJV)

With our current level of understanding of science, I think that some of us are ready to start understand the current known facts and theories in a way that ties everything together.  

To do this I will divide our thinking into two systems.

System of Simultaneity  (Quantum View - in which time does not exist)

Infinity is not conceivable by the human mind.  In order to be a viable concept characterized as not having a beginning or end, it must be defined as a timeless domain in which all possibilities exist at once.  Such a state of being I define as the "System of Simultaneity." In this system time does not exist and all things and events are expressible only as possibilities. All of these possibilities are conditional because they are linked and interdependent. In the quantum view all things are possible and they exist simultaneously.

System of Sequence  (Our Time-Line in which Cause and Effect exist)

We live and exist in the "System of Sequence."  Humanity and we individuals, have a past and a future, but are continuously in a place called the present that I have named "the moment of now."  We all, in our moment of now, are the expression of one event possibility that is a function of all that has happened to us, around us and before us until now.  I am talking about all history from The Big Bang, and probably before, to what you decided to have for breakfast this morning and even the decision to read this article this far. Our current state of being is truly governed by the rules of cause and effect. Our every decision or response to our environment branches us into another set of possibilities in that infinite list of possibilities. Each decision and action taken enables the next set of options available while closing the door to others. The rules of cause and effect tell us that our actions also interact with the sets of possibilities for other people as well. (For a simple example: If I decide to write a book and do it, then others will have the option to read it. If I decide to not write that book, others never have the option to read it.)  Once a possibility is achieved it becomes a part of history adding to the list and order of events that actually happened.  This history is continually being created and is the basis for the "System of Sequence."   In such a system the Who, What, When, Where and Why of all history can be questioned, possibly discovered and maybe understood.
Science is in the business of attempting to do just that.  The fact is, sequence requires the notion of time; therefore, a part of science is stuck in the System of Sequence and will forever be incapable of dealing with the full understanding of infinity.

So what does it mean? 

For the Universe to be more fully appreciated and understood it must be seen as the manifestation of an interplay between these two systems.  Since we are the observers it must be seen by us from our perspective, the System of Sequence.

The Bible offers some helpful clues to observers from the System of Sequence! In Genesis God defined Himself to Moses as "I AM."  Interesting that the quote uses the verb To Be!  Could it mean, The I Am, the sum of ALL in the System of Simultaneity.  We are made in the image of God because we each represent one event solution from the System of Simultaneity in which all things are possible.

Realize that everything that has happened since the beginning of time is in our System of Sequence.  This chain of events brings me to writing and revising this and you to reading it; ONE possibility, ONE event.  This is your moment of NOW.  Everything that exists and has happened until now, no matter where or when in the universe(s), is a part of this event.  How each moment impacts you will partly determine what you do next.  Every Moment of Now has the same power to influence action, action becomes history and history becomes us, and we are the result of creation.


It must be understood that the System of Sequence is made possible by the System of Simultaneity, not created by it.  The rules of cause and effect direct what actually happens.  We individuals are actualized possibilities, free to make decisions in our moments of now impacting future options for ourselves, others and countless other variables in the System of Sequence.  In essence, the System of Simultaneity "God" has made all possibilities and we make the decisions that have impact.  All decisions produce outcomes, all outcomes are possibilities, but we have the power and responsibility to choose well and do right or not!

Knowing right from wrong choices is a function of our ability to hear that smallest voice in our consciousness that gives us the answer.  If you are wondering "what small voice?" it is that voice that is asking "what small voice?"


As I say in the header of this Blog:

“The space between yesterday and tomorrow, the only lever that we have!” 

As I live my day to day life the question can only be: "What am I going to do now?"  I must remember that even inaction is a decision.

By: David Connor Mims Sr.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Bible seen as Intellectual RNA

No DNA is any better than the RNA that interprets it into actual life and physical reality. 
(See tutorial on DNA/RNA at bottom)

Truth in concept is so easy to convey in stories without the need for scientific detail. The Bible demonstrates this fact perfectly.  The concepts in the Bible function like RNA in our lives (DNA) to convert our potential to reality.

As I revisit the origin of the story of Noah and find that it and similar events are represented in many cultures.  As I look at the Creation Story and also see the scientific evidence of a Big Bang event that actually took more than seven earth days I can be confused.  My thinking can be further complicated by the undeniable truth of evolution, of dinosaurs and of extinction events in our past.  I find that these contradictions and articles, like many done by NASA and other scientific initiatives, cause me to not doubt the truth of concepts conveyed, but to realize that the stories must be true in ways that most of us are not intellectually prepared to consider.

Sadly, the current diversity of thinking and confusion causes more and more people to doubt the concepts of truth conveyed by God through his age old medium of communication.  More and more are discrediting the history of His Self-Revelation in The Bible in favor of the scientific debate of the mostly unknowable.  I know that we all need to learn; however, life as individuals is not long enough for us to wait on the scientific puzzle to be completed.  Thankfully through God's word, the truth of concept is in front of us and knowable now!

In today's reality we, who currently believe, must be prepared to maintain our faith in God as science continues to find more explanations.  The challenge is and always will be about what we do not what we know and understand!  Denying the scientific side and the intellectual evolution of our understanding of the universe, only serves to discredit our intellect thus making us ineffective as proclaimers of His word.

In our opportunities to witness to others who may be confused by this flood of scientific discovery and evidence, we believers must mature our conversation to aid others in seeing the big picture of truth.  My analogy of the interplay between (Concept=RNA) and (Our Individual Lives=DNA) is only an example of how there can be a need for two separate functions in reality.

My prayer: "Thank you God for the Bible since, through it, we have a way to know truth in concept now not requiring us to wait as science continues to search for the details.    Amen"

Tutorial on DNA vs RNA:
There are many types of RNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA - the major one being translated into protein once it copies its complementary DNA strand (mRNA). 
The process is basically: DNA-->transcription-->RNA-->translation-... 
Since DNA does not leave the nucleus, it is the messenger RNA (mRNA) that brings the DNA signal out to the cytoplasm where Protein synthesis begins. Once in the cytoplasm, mRNA binds with a ribosome (which is comprised of ribosomal RNA or rRNA) and prepares for the mRNA sequence to be translated into protein. 
Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings in nucleotide sequences (anticodons) to the ribosome that are complementary to the mRNA. These tRNAs also carry different amino acid side chains which link together when the correct anticodon sequence is met - and will then translate into a protein.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mankind is like a Magnet

When studying basic physics we are taught about the fundamental structure of magnetic iron.  We are told that a piece of iron contains countless little molecules of iron that form dipoles.  These dipoles are each a molecule sized magnet.  If one could isolate one of these dipoles it would align like a compass with the magnet field around the earth.

The difference between a magnetized piece of iron and one that is not a magnet is the randomness of the orientation of these dipoles.  It is much like a democracy, each dipole votes for a direction to point.  In a true random piece of iron there is no magnetic field produced because the dipoles cancel each other out.  For every dipole pointing in a particular direction, there is another pointing in the opposite direction.  If we can influence this random arrangement, the piece of iron becomes what we call “magnetized.”

I find a striking similarity between this fact about iron and magnets and mankind.  We too can each be seen as a dipole.  We have our opinions, beliefs, needs, tendencies, etc.  Our direction regarding such things is based on the influences that we have met during our time alive.  The dipole metaphor can be extended to include the fact that our opinions are always changing.  From day to day or even minute to minute our ideas evolve.  The question, as it pertains to mankind, becomes a question of majorities over time.  Our small life (approximately 100 years) has a very small influence on the true nature of mankind.  Our individual correctness is always a function of the direction we take in the moment of decision in everything we do.  Decisions cause results and create impact on others.

The overall nature of mankind is a function of the net sum of our individual orientations.  Over the history of man we can follow the influencers that affected our politics and religious beliefs.  The history of God revealing himself is told quite completely in the Bible.  The gift of instructions on how to live our lives was perfectly demonstrated by Jesus the Son of God and the inspiration available to us at every minute we live in the Holy Spirit.  These are without doubt primary influencers of mankind today.  Even the dialog offered by those claiming to be atheist for the most part is biased toward respect for each other and life.

The fact is that God has biased us toward love regardless of our beliefs.  We are in His image!

It is not possible to understand the big picture in our lifetime and probably in the time that our Universe has remaining.  The only thing for sure is that each of us has to decide moment by moment which way to point. 

I choose toward God as I understand to be correct.  I accept the lessons taught by Jesus and the guidance offered by that small voice inside my head, The Holy Spirit.  At least my dipole is influenced to help as much as possible.  Now, you the reader must make your choice.  No, you cannot choose to not be a dipole!

By: David C Mims Sr.