Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Bible seen as Intellectual RNA

No DNA is any better than the RNA that interprets it into actual life and physical reality. 
(See tutorial on DNA/RNA at bottom)

Truth in concept is so easy to convey in stories without the need for scientific detail. The Bible demonstrates this fact perfectly.  The concepts in the Bible function like RNA in our lives (DNA) to convert our potential to reality.

As I revisit the origin of the story of Noah and find that it and similar events are represented in many cultures.  As I look at the Creation Story and also see the scientific evidence of a Big Bang event that actually took more than seven earth days I can be confused.  My thinking can be further complicated by the undeniable truth of evolution, of dinosaurs and of extinction events in our past.  I find that these contradictions and articles, like many done by NASA and other scientific initiatives, cause me to not doubt the truth of concepts conveyed, but to realize that the stories must be true in ways that most of us are not intellectually prepared to consider.

Sadly, the current diversity of thinking and confusion causes more and more people to doubt the concepts of truth conveyed by God through his age old medium of communication.  More and more are discrediting the history of His Self-Revelation in The Bible in favor of the scientific debate of the mostly unknowable.  I know that we all need to learn; however, life as individuals is not long enough for us to wait on the scientific puzzle to be completed.  Thankfully through God's word, the truth of concept is in front of us and knowable now!

In today's reality we, who currently believe, must be prepared to maintain our faith in God as science continues to find more explanations.  The challenge is and always will be about what we do not what we know and understand!  Denying the scientific side and the intellectual evolution of our understanding of the universe, only serves to discredit our intellect thus making us ineffective as proclaimers of His word.

In our opportunities to witness to others who may be confused by this flood of scientific discovery and evidence, we believers must mature our conversation to aid others in seeing the big picture of truth.  My analogy of the interplay between (Concept=RNA) and (Our Individual Lives=DNA) is only an example of how there can be a need for two separate functions in reality.

My prayer: "Thank you God for the Bible since, through it, we have a way to know truth in concept now not requiring us to wait as science continues to search for the details.    Amen"

Tutorial on DNA vs RNA:
There are many types of RNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA - the major one being translated into protein once it copies its complementary DNA strand (mRNA). 
The process is basically: DNA-->transcription-->RNA-->translation-... 
Since DNA does not leave the nucleus, it is the messenger RNA (mRNA) that brings the DNA signal out to the cytoplasm where Protein synthesis begins. Once in the cytoplasm, mRNA binds with a ribosome (which is comprised of ribosomal RNA or rRNA) and prepares for the mRNA sequence to be translated into protein. 
Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings in nucleotide sequences (anticodons) to the ribosome that are complementary to the mRNA. These tRNAs also carry different amino acid side chains which link together when the correct anticodon sequence is met - and will then translate into a protein.

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